
Edu Cor SA: Plagiarism Policy




The purpose of this Zero Tolerance Plagiarism Policy is to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and to ensure that all students at Edu Cor SA engage in honest and original scholarly work. Plagiarism undermines the educational process and erodes the trust within our academic community. Edu Cor SA is committed to maintaining an environment that promotes intellectual honesty, integrity, and respect for the work of others.


Definition of Plagiarism:


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's ideas, words, or work without proper acknowledgment, presenting them as one's own. This includes, but is not limited to, copying and pasting from online sources, submitting someone else's work as your own, paraphrasing without proper citation, and collusion.




This policy applies to all students enrolled at Edu Cor SA, regardless of program or course level. It encompasses all forms of academic work, including but not limited to assignments, essays, projects, reports, theses, and examinations.




It is the responsibility of every student at Edu Cor SA to understand and adhere to this Zero Tolerance Plagiarism Policy. Faculty members are responsible for educating students about plagiarism and detecting and addressing instances of plagiarism within their courses.



Consequences of Plagiarism:


  1. First Offense:

    • The student will receive a grade of zero for the assignment or assessment in question.

    • The incident will be documented in the student's academic record.

  2. Second Offense:

    • The student will receive a failing grade for the course.

    • The incident will be documented in the student's academic record.

  3. Third Offense:

    • The student will face disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion from Edu Cor SA.

    • The incident will be documented in the student's academic record.




Students have the right to appeal a plagiarism allegation. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 10 days of receiving the disciplinary decision. Appeals will be reviewed by the Edu Cor SA Academic Integrity Committee.


Educational Initiatives:


Edu Cor SA is committed to fostering a culture of academic honesty. In addition to enforcing consequences for plagiarism, the institution will provide educational initiatives to help students understand and avoid plagiarism. These may include workshops, tutorials, and resources on proper citation and academic writing.


Review and Revision:


This Zero Tolerance Plagiarism Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Changes may be made as necessary to address emerging issues related to plagiarism.

Adopted by Edu Cor SA: 2021


Edu Cor SA: Theft and Fraud Policy




The purpose of this Theft and Fraud Policy is to establish guidelines and procedures to prevent and address theft and fraud within the Edu Cor SA community. Edu Cor SA is committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Theft and fraud are serious offenses that undermine the integrity of our institution, and this policy aims to deter such activities and provide a framework for appropriate response and resolution.


Definition of Theft and Fraud:


  1. Theft: The unauthorized taking or use of property, including but not limited to personal belongings, intellectual property, and institutional resources, belonging to Edu Cor SA or its members.

  2. Fraud: Any act of deception, misrepresentation, or dishonesty with the intent to gain an unfair advantage, cause harm, or deceive others, including but not limited to academic fraud, financial fraud, and identity theft.




This policy applies to all individuals associated with Edu Cor SA, including students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors.




Edu Cor SA will implement measures to prevent theft and fraud, including but not limited to:


  1. Security measures such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and security personnel.

  2. Awareness campaigns to educate the community about the consequences of theft and fraud.

  3. Confidential reporting mechanisms for individuals to report suspicious activities.




Any suspected or observed incidents of theft or fraud must be reported promptly to the appropriate authority, such as campus security, a supervisor, or the designated contact for such incidents.




Edu Cor SA will conduct thorough and impartial investigations of reported theft and fraud incidents. Investigations may involve collaboration with law enforcement, if necessary. Individuals involved in an investigation are expected to cooperate fully.




If theft or fraud is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.


Consequences may include, but are not limited to:


  1. Reimbursement for stolen or misappropriated property.

  2. Academic penalties, including failing grades for academic fraud.

  3. Employment consequences, such as suspension, termination, or legal action.

  4. Legal consequences, including prosecution and restitution.


Whistle-blower Protection:


Edu Cor SA is committed to protecting individuals who report theft or fraud in good faith. Retaliation against whistle-blowers is strictly prohibited, and any retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action.


Review and Revision:


This Theft and Fraud Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Changes may be made as necessary to address emerging issues related to theft and fraud.


Adopted by Edu Cor SA: 2019



Edu Cor SA Zero Tolerance Drug Policy




The purpose of this Zero Tolerance Drug Policy is to maintain a safe, healthy, and drug-free educational environment at Edu Cor SA. This policy applies to all students and staff members and is designed to comply with South African drug laws and labor regulations.


Policy Statement:


Edu Cor SA is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all students and staff members. The use, possession, distribution, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances on Edu Cor SA premises or during any Edu Cor SA-related activities is strictly prohibited.


Applicability: This policy applies to all students and staff members of Edu Cor SA, including but not limited to full-time and part-time employees, contractors, volunteers, and enrolled students.


Immediate Dismissal Offence for Students:


Engaging in any of the following activities will be considered an immediate dismissal offence for students:


  1. Possession or Use of Illegal Drugs: Any student found in possession of or using illegal drugs on Edu Cor SA premises or during Edu Cor SA-related activities will face immediate dismissal.

  2. Distribution of Illegal Drugs: Any student involved in the distribution of illegal drugs, whether on or off Edu Cor SA premises, will face immediate dismissal.

  3. Being Under the Influence: Any student found to be under the influence of illegal drugs while on Edu Cor SA premises or during Edu Cor SA-related activities will be subject to immediate dismissal.


Immediate Dismissal Offence for Staff Members:


Engaging in any of the following activities will be considered an immediate dismissal offence for staff members:


  1. Possession or Use of Illegal Drugs: Any staff member found in possession of or using illegal drugs on Edu Cor SA premises or during Edu Cor SA-related activities will face immediate dismissal.

  2. Distribution of Illegal Drugs: Any staff member involved in the distribution of illegal drugs, whether on or off Edu Cor SA premises, will face immediate dismissal.

  3. Being Under the Influence: Any staff member found to be under the influence of illegal drugs while on Edu Cor SA premises or during Edu Cor SA-related activities will be subject to immediate dismissal.


Legal Basis:


  1. South African Drug Law:

    • The Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, 1992 (Act 140 of 1992)

    • The Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965 (Act 101 of 1965)

  2. Labour Law:

    • The Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995)

    • The Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act 55 of 1998)


Testing and Investigations:


Edu Cor SA reserves the right to conduct drug testing and investigations when there is reasonable suspicion of a student or staff member violating this policy. Refusal to participate in a drug test may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal.


Disciplinary Process:


In the event of a violation of this Zero Tolerance Drug Policy, Edu Cor SA will follow the disciplinary procedures outlined in the applicable labour laws for staff members and the institution's code of conduct for students. This may include an internal investigation and a disciplinary hearing.


Education and Support:


Edu Cor SA is committed to providing education and support for students and staff members who may be struggling with substance abuse issues. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent allowed by law.


Review of Policy:


This Zero Tolerance Drug Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws. Any updates or changes will be communicated to all students and staff members.



This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Edu Cor SA management team in 2020

Edu Cor SA: Bullying Policy




Edu Cor SA is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning and working environment for all students and staff. Bullying in any form is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated within our institution. This policy outlines the expectations and consequences for both students and staff members regarding bullying.


Definition of Bullying:


Bullying is defined as any intentional act, repeated over time, that causes physical, verbal, or psychological harm to another individual or group. This includes, but is not limited to, physical violence, verbal abuse, social exclusion, cyberbullying, intimidation, or any other behaviour that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.




  • Students: All students are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity. Students who witness or experience bullying are encouraged to report the incident to a teacher, counsellor, or other trusted staff member.

  • Staff Members: All staff members are responsible for creating a safe and supportive environment, and for promptly addressing any incidents of bullying that come to their attention. Staff members must report all incidents to the designated school authority.


Reporting Procedures:


  • Students: Any student who believes they have been a victim of bullying or who has witnessed bullying should report the incident to a teacher, counsellor, or another trusted staff member. Reports can be made anonymously if desired.

  • Staff Members: All staff members who witness or receive reports of bullying are required to promptly report the incident to the designated school authority. It is the responsibility of the staff member to take immediate action to address the situation and ensure the safety of the individuals involved.


Investigation and Intervention:


Upon receiving a report of bullying, Edu Cor SA will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation. If bullying is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, which may include counselling, education, suspension, expulsion, or other measures as deemed necessary.


Zero Tolerance:


Edu Cor SA has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. No form of bullying will be tolerated, and swift and appropriate action will be taken to address any incidents.


Support Services:


Edu Cor SA is committed to providing support services for both victims and perpetrators of bullying. Counselling and educational resources will be made available to help individuals understand and address their behaviour.


Review and Communication:


This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and compliance. All students and staff members will be informed of this policy, and it will be prominently displayed within the institution.




Edu Cor SA is dedicated to maintaining a positive and inclusive learning and working environment. We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and we are committed to taking swift and decisive action to address any instances of bullying within our institution.

Edu Cor SA: Vandalism Policy




The purpose of this Vandalism Policy is to establish guidelines and procedures to prevent and address vandalism within the Edu Cor SA community. Edu Cor SA is committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and aesthetically pleasing environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Vandalism undermines the integrity of our institution and negatively impacts the overall learning and working experience. This policy aims to deter vandalism and provide a framework for appropriate response and resolution.


Definition of Vandalism:


Vandalism is the wilful destruction, defacement, or damage to property, including but not limited to buildings, facilities, equipment, and personal belongings, owned by Edu Cor SA or its members.




This policy applies to all individuals associated with Edu Cor SA, including students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors.




Edu Cor SA will implement measures to prevent vandalism, including but not limited to:


  1. Security measures such as surveillance cameras and access control systems.

  2. Regular maintenance and inspections of facilities and property.

  3. Educational programs to promote awareness of the importance of maintaining a clean and undamaged environment.




Any suspected or observed incidents of vandalism must be reported promptly to the appropriate authority, such as campus security, a supervisor, or the designated contact for such incidents.




Edu Cor SA will conduct thorough and impartial investigations of reported vandalism incidents. Investigations may involve collaboration with law enforcement, if necessary. Individuals involved in an investigation are expected to cooperate fully.




If vandalism is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken. Consequences may include, but are not limited to:


  1. Reimbursement for repair or replacement of damaged property.

  2. Academic penalties, if the vandalism is related to academic activities.

  3. Employment consequences, such as suspension or termination.

  4. Legal consequences, including prosecution and restitution.




Individuals found responsible for vandalism may be required to make restitution by either paying for the repair or replacement of the damaged property.


Review and Revision:


This Vandalism Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Changes may be made as necessary to address emerging issues related to vandalism.


Adopted by Edu Cor SA: 2022